Go to China and find the language school building and play the game
You need to install ambitions and world adventures but if i were you you should install ambitions. If you want to make your own store you need ambitions(and world adventures i think) for the consignment cash register and if you cant find that there are loads of forums telling you where you can find it. Again you need the sims 3 ambitions.
Eygpt food merchant or buy reciepe from book merchant and learn how to make it
Simlish, a language made for the sims and the sims alone no one can find out what their saying. Not really gibberish but its a scrambling of each and every language in the world.
you can find some on the sims 3 website or you can go to modthesims2 dot com to find downloads for the sims 2 and 3
Go to China and find the language school building and play the game
You need to install ambitions and world adventures but if i were you you should install ambitions. If you want to make your own store you need ambitions(and world adventures i think) for the consignment cash register and if you cant find that there are loads of forums telling you where you can find it. Again you need the sims 3 ambitions.
Eygpt food merchant or buy reciepe from book merchant and learn how to make it
Crocodiles were introduced in the The Sims 3 World Adventures. They can be caught and kept as pets in World Adventures, most being found in Al Simhara. Alternatively, they can also be bought from the food store in Al Simhara.
First find a keystone that matches the door, then when it is in your inventory click on the door and select insert keystone.
jobs? none, but you can travel to 3 different locations, explore tombs and see mummys, and find treasures... its awesome, but sorry no jobs :(
Yes, there are mummies in all 3 World Adventures cities, but you'll find most of them in Egypt. I came across two mummies in Jean Necteaux's wife's tomb (under the Nectary...you have to access it through the "Nectar Research Assistant Needed" adventure).
Well, kind of. You can go around town but, to actually travel to other places then you need the World Adventures expansion pack. But also your sims/sim can move to another town if you want to travel. Just go onto the computer and find the move option :D-Hope this helped
Start Menu->Electronic Arts/EA Games->The Sims 3 World Adventures->Uninstall The Sims 3 World Adventures. Or if EA were so evil to 'forget' to add an uninstall button, go into Control Panel-> Add or Remove Programs and uninstall it from there.
yes there are many cheats, if u go on google u could probably find some.
Simlish, a language made for the sims and the sims alone no one can find out what their saying. Not really gibberish but its a scrambling of each and every language in the world.
So, i made my girl sim marry a guy from france.. BUT one of her LTW was to move in with him if she wanted to ,and i was going to make her but i couldn't find out how.. :( cause it was NOT in the same place that it was before.. but i hope this helped !!! :D