If you happened to have a battle with wild/trainer pokemons, and it made your Pokemon unhealthy, such as poisoning, sleepiness, paralyzed, etc, then it will shake. It will shake because your Pokemon is very ill and needs to go to a Poke Center or needs a potion,antidote,awakening, and etc, fast. OR, your game thing isn't fully inside the slot. It is Most likely to shake because of the battles.
Move the arrows to bag and select in w/ A. move arrows to get to pokeballs, select the poke ball w/ A. f you've weakened to Pokemon enough you may have a successful capture!!! There is no such thing as a %increase by pressing buttons while the poke ball shakes. people do so because it gives them a false sense of confidence . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^^^HAHA so true. Made me laugh out loud. But, I did read on a help screen in one of the games that pressing L and R as the ball sways in the corresponding direction will help catch it. But if that doesn't work, then get better freaking pokeballs and stop whining on this website! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^^^ don't listen to them they are sceptics!! i like to hit a 3 times, once per shake.
Anything, it doesn't affect you game so anything you can come up with. As for me i changed it from, Shake it do the diet dance, to Shake it do the illumise dance. :X
u have to press Baxy on the controls the first shake the second shake u press L A and X and up for the third shake u press nothing (it doesn't always work):)
you will go to lavaridge town again from cablecar and then go to south the ground will shake and there will be a hole and you will enter the magma hideout
During battle in Pokemon Diamond or Pearl, if one or more of your pokeballs roll, rock, or shake back and forth, this means that Pokemon is close to leveling up.
well... first you find a regular Pokemon. when you find one catch it in your pokeballs. when you do this it will fall in love with you. when you let it out of the pokeballs, find a bucket of black paint. when you get some, trap your Pokemon in a net, like team rocket does in every episode. after you do this, it will be a dark Pokemon. when the paint dries, dip the Pokemon in a stream and wait for the excess paint to come off. when it's ready, shake out the unconscious Pokemon and let it dry on a rock for a few hours. while it's drying, lick it's eyes until you taste salt. when you do, take it off of the rock and put it back in your pokeballs. wait for three weeks and it will be the finished dark Pokemon!!!! yours truly, imtehjuice <3 best. advice. evar!
Since it is possible to capture a unharmed Pokemon with just a Poke Ball from the Items menu in battle, I recommend bringing the Pokemon's HP down by attacking it. When its HP is down to yellow or red, tap on the Items menu, then tap on Pokeballs to select the kind of Poke Ball you want to use. (The lower its HP, the better the chances of it being caught.) When you throw the Poke Ball, wait for the ball to shake 3 times, then you'll hear a click when you are successful.
If you happened to have a battle with wild/trainer pokemons, and it made your Pokemon unhealthy, such as poisoning, sleepiness, paralyzed, etc, then it will shake. It will shake because your Pokemon is very ill and needs to go to a Poke Center or needs a potion,antidote,awakening, and etc, fast. OR, your game thing isn't fully inside the slot. It is Most likely to shake because of the battles.
if its shaking or its been at least 8 hours since you put honey on it go and press A and itll go to battle
you find where there is a lot of grass ( in he pokemon game ) then use the poke radar then grass will shake ( go to the grass that shakes ALOT ) BATTLE the pokemon till it faints then more grass will shake again then go to the grass that shook the same that you first picked and keep that chain going ( a chain really means the same pokemon showing up again and again ) and finally meet the same pokemon at least 40 times
the tree will shake
Ouuuuu good question. I would: A: Stop playing Pokemon, because that's homers e xual. B: Stop playing Pokemon and shake one off or do something else more productive C: Punch myself in the throat for posting a dumb question
you put the lime in the coconut and shake it all up!
you put honey in a tree and wait for it to shake ,then cross your fingers.
you have to shake the icy trees.
Well, you cannot shake it. The ground will shake if you run around in grass bunch. The best way to do this is us a repel and bike like crazy! :D