Routes 111, 114, Granite Cave, Magma Hideout, Victory Road and Safari Zone. They are pretty common.
Geodude, Dunsparce, Zubat and some water pokemon.
Geodude evolves at lv. 25.
geodude and onix
In Pokemon Leaf Green/Fire Red, you can catch: Clefairy (rare) paras (very common in certain places) zubat (common in most places) and geodude. (common in same places as zubat)
Geodude evolves into graveler at level 25.
no you can catch it. However you can trade Pokemon to get geodude and metagross on black and white!
You don't. You go out and catch more pokemon.
Geodude, Dunsparce, Zubat and some water pokemon.
Granite cave.
go indoors at the safari zone go straight ahead and talk to the person and pay £500 (catch you geodude) :})
catch a sharpedo catch a sharpedo
you need a event.
yes he has dig
start game with charmender .catch a pidgey,pikachu,nidoran♀,geodude. raise this pokemons and after you have raise enough you should try to catch legendary Pokemon
They're common, so anytime.
you have to migrate from Pokemon emarld or go to where you catch regigigas and do 24 exact laps then wallla metagross apears where regigigas was :L;p