Step one: Have a male + female Marill/Azumarill. Step Two: Give one of them (doesn't matter which) a sea insence. Step three: Breed.
You can get azurill in pokemon diamond and pearl by either breeding azumarill (or marill) or capturing it in the safari zone. :]
In emerald ruby and sapphire you have to get a boy marill and girl marill or boy and girl azumarill and put them in to the daycare in mauville town. you will get an egg and inside will b azurill
In emerald ruby and sapphire you have to get a boy marill and girl marill or boy and girl azumarill and put them in to the daycare in mauville town. you will get an egg and inside will b azurill
Azurill evolves into Marill when its happiness is high enough. It could be level 5 or level 38 depending on how high its happiness is.
Breed two Marils or two AzumarilsAdded question :Is the hold item the same for Diamond and Pearl? List of breeding PokemonIf you have Pokemon Emerald or know someone with it catch a Marill and get the Sea Incense from Mt Pyre. give the Marill the Sea Incense as a HOLD item. Then trade it to your Sapphire. when it's on your Sapphire, go to day care in Mauville with it and breed it with : Azumarill, Clamperl, Corpish, Corsola, Crawdaunt, Feebas, Golduck, Gorebyss, Horsea, huntail, Kingdra, Ludicolo, Lotad, Lombre, Marill, Marshtomp, Masquerain, Milotic, Mudkip, Pelipper, Psyduck, Seaking, Sealeo, Spheal, Surskit, Swampert, Walrien and Wingull. Make sure they are different genders. If you get an egg (not all combinations work well) this will hatch into a level 5 Azurill!!:)do not try just breeding to marills!:-( You need to Breed Marill or Azumarill with Sea Incense Attached.
You can get azurill in pokemon diamond and pearl by either breeding azumarill (or marill) or capturing it in the safari zone. :]
Marill evolves to Azumarill and its preevolution is Azurill.
Azurill > Happiness > Marill > lvl 18 > Azumarill
Marill is the evolved form of Azurill. Marill can evolve into azumarill. HOW TO EVOLVE MARILLUTIONS: make azurill happy, MARILL! Lv. 28 (i think)marill.. AZUMARILL!! ^^^^^^^^^^ made that up!
There is no "pokempn" known as "Azuries". However there is a such thing as a "Pokemon" named "Azurill".^_^Assuming this is the Pokemon you're reffering to, Azurill is the baby form of Marill. It can't be found in the wild, but can only be obtained by breeding 2 Marill (of opposite gender) at the Day Care, with the female Marill holding the sea incense, which can be found at Mt. Pyre.
First catch a Marill. Then get a Sea Incese. Go to the day care center and have Marill breed with anorther pokemon. You'll get an Azurill egg.
There is no Azurill in the water, but to get one, breed a Marill or Azumarill holding a Sea Incense and the Egg will contain Azurill.
In emerald ruby and sapphire you have to get a boy marill and girl marill or boy and girl azumarill and put them in to the daycare in mauville town. you will get an egg and inside will b azurill
In emerald ruby and sapphire you have to get a boy marill and girl marill or boy and girl azumarill and put them in to the daycare in mauville town. you will get an egg and inside will b azurill
In emerald ruby and sapphire you have to get a boy marill and girl marill or boy and girl azumarill and put them in to the daycare in mauville town. you will get an egg and inside will b azurill
Azurill evolves into Marill at level 12 in Pokemon Indigo/UnovaRPG.