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I assume you mean how can you catch them. First you have to beat Team Galactic at Spear Pillar and battle Dialga (or Palkia). Mesprit appears at Lake Verity, Azelf at Lake Valor, and Uxie at Lake Acquity. You can now use surf to travel across the lakes and get to the caverns in the middle. Each cavern will have one of these Pokemon in them, depending on the lake your at. Bring your master ball(s), ultra balls, dusk balls, and a Pokemon that knows Hypnosis or any other moves that puts opponents to sleep. I would advise saving before battling each one in you KO one. Then you can turn off the game and restart the battle until you catch each member of the Lake Trio.

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Q: In Pokemon diamond after you free Azelf and Uxie and Mesprit from team Galactic?
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The Legendary Pokemon in Diamond are Dialga, Azelf, Mesprit, and Uxie. That's all I know of.

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There are only 3, Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf.

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All of the legendary Pokemon in diamond!Dialga, Uxie, Azelf, Mesprit and Manaphy and if your playing pearl it's Palkia, Uxie, Azelf, Mesprit and Manaphy. Hope I helped!

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If you flee from azelf will it come back in Pokemon Diamond?

it is very hard to get azelf and mesprit and uxie. in my Pokemon diamond, azelf and mesprit fled the battle. if you want to find them, use your matching Pokemon app on your watch and DO NOT FLY UNDER ANY CONDITIONS. IF YOU FLY, THE POKEMON WILL ALSO FLY AND YOU WILL NEVER FIND THEM. DO NOT LOSE HOPE!!

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You can catch Dialga, Uxie, Azelf, and Mesprit

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giratina cresselia azelf mesprit uxie dialga heatran

Where do you find azelf in Pokemon soul silver?

When you save Azelf, Mesprit and Uxie in Vermilon City. (Team Galactic HQ) It goes to one of the lakes in Sinnoh region.

What are all the legendary Pokemon you can get on Pokemon Diamond?

You can get Dialga Mesprit Uxie Azelf Giratina and if you somehow get regirock, regiice, and registeel on to diamond you can also get regigigas