you can't "MAKE" an eggsecute, but you could get an egg of one(I just saw that as really ironic seeing that they are an egg pokemon) and hatch it, or, to evolve it into an executor, use a leaf stone.
-rockin ricky
Exeggcute evolves into Exeggutor using a leaf stone.
You have to get a leaf stone and use it on exeggcute.It doesnt evolve on levels
Exeggcute evolves when you use a leaf stone on it.
Exeggcute evolves only via the use of a Leaf Stone.
weepinbell, exeggcute, gloom, nuzleaf, and I think that's it :)
Exeggcute > leaf stone > Exeggutor
Exeggcute evolves into Exeggutor using a leaf stone.
Eggcecutor will not evolve into any other pokemon. Its Exeggcute and then Eggcecutor. To evolve Exeggcute you have to use a Leaf Stone.
You have to get a leaf stone and use it on exeggcute.It doesnt evolve on levels
You will have to evolve your exeggcute with a leaf stone. You can find exeggcute in the safari zone.
Exeggcute evolves when you use a leaf stone on it.
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Exeggcute is #102 in the national pokedex, and it is a Grass-Psychic type Pokemon.
Exeggcute evolves only via the use of a Leaf Stone.