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However, Kabutops can learn HM03.

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Q: In Pokemon Red Can kabuto learn cut?
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What Pokemon can learn cut and strength in Pokemon fire red?

raticate can learn both and can be found in many places or evolved from rattata

What Pokemon in fire red can learn cut and fly?

Pidgey, Pidgeotto,Pidgeot

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No Pokemon can learn Cut by level up.

What Pokemon can learn HM cut?

only Pokemon with sharp claws can learn the hm cut

Is there another cut in Pokemon firered version?

Yes! In Pokemon fire red version you can teach cut to a Pokemon. (I don't know how though) You get it after beating misty. Hope this will help! ^.^ Yes! In Pokemon fire red version you can teach cut to a Pokemon. (I don't know how though) You get it after beating misty. Hope this will help! ^.^

Can rattata learn cut in Pokemon silver?

No, it is not able to learn cut.

Can Luxio learn cut?

yes luxio can learn cut luxray can learn cut and shinks can almost every Pokemon can earn cut

How do you learn cut in FireRed?

get Pokemon to level 20 then go to the Pokemon center heal your Pokemon the it will learn cut after you defeat the second gym leader

How can your Pokemon learn to cut in ruby version?

your Pokemon CANT learn cut in ruby, sapphire or emerald. you have to trade a Pokemon that's holding the TM cut (from sinnoh region game, platinum, diamond and pearl) then take it off them and they can learn cut.

What Pokemon can learn cut in HeartGold?

an oddish can learn cut in pkmn hg version