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Ahh... A common mistake, young grasshopper. If you leave your berries to grow through its life stages about 2-3 times, it stops growing entirely. I learned that trying to grow a spelon berry (didn't get on that often, so it stopped growing...). Water and check up on it you must.

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Q: In Pokemon Pearl I didn't pick any berries now none are appearing anywhere Why?
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How do you get free berries on Pokemon Pearl?

To get free berries on Pokemon Pearl, you pick berries you find around the region, plant them, and then pick them again when they are finished growing. With these, you can start the cycle again.

Can you buy berries in Pokemon pearl?

No. But some people give you berries and you can pick/plant them

Pokemon Pearl where can you get Pokemon acsessories?

random people, or trade berries for them in floaroma town

Where can you buy berries in pearl?

You cannot buy berries, but you can find them on trees, on wild Pokemon, or from another game.

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How do you obtain berries in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

Pick them off plants in the soil.

What happens if you don't pick berries in Pokemon pearl?

nothing happens if you dont pick berries. they'll just die eventually

How do you be nice to a golbat on Pokemon pearl?

i think feed it berries and dont let it die

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To get Sableye in Pokemon Pearl you will need a copy of Pokemon Sapphire. Insert Pokemon Sapphire into the GBA slot of the DS and turn it on. When you load into Pokemon Pearl wild Sableye should start appearing at Iron Island as long as Pokemon Sapphire is in the GBA slot.

Mistrivus in Pokemon Diamond?

Misdreavus cannot be caught in Pokemon Diamond. It can be caught on Pokemon Pearl appearing in Eterna Forest and Lost Tower at nighttime.

What wild Pokemon have a high percentage of holding a berry in Pokemon Diamond?

Bidoof usually holds berries, the are always oran berries in Platinum, so it should be the same in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. Hope this helped:)

Is there Action replay code fly to anywhere on Pokemon pearl?

the code for shiny Pokemon