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Use a FIRESTONE to evolve your Vulpix into Ninetales. Evolving your Pokemon by using stones should only be done when you're certain you do not want it to learn any other new moves. Some Pokemon do not learn any more moves after evolved with stones. You can also go to the Game Corner in Celadon City and buy TM35 FLAMETHROWER from the shop there, you need 4100 coins.

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Q: In Pokemon LeafGreen What level does a Vulpix evolve at?
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What level will vulpix evolve in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You can't evolve Vulpix into a Ninetales. You will need a FireStone. You can get one of those at the Big Department Store at Celadon City. Good Luck!!

What level does Vulpix evolve in Pokemon leaf green?

Vulpix evolves at level 100. does not. can only evolve with fire stone.

What level vilpix evolves on LeafGreen?

Vulpix can evolve into ninetales with a fire stone

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Use a Fire Stone!

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