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You first find lance after beating the Red Gyarados, then you meet him in the souvenir shop, and battle team rocket with him. You will also see him again as Pokemon League Champ.
lance is the johto champion so you could find him after you beat the elite four
At the lake of rage in mahogany
If you have not met him yet, Lance is at the Lake of Rage. Once you defeat the Red Gyarados, he will be reading a sign. Go and talk to him to continue the game.

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Q: In Pokemon HeartGold where to find Lance?
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In HeartGold, Lance is the champion, so you'll have to defeat the Elite Four before you can battle him.

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All you have to do is train your Pokemon or have a Pokemon with a good ice move

Pokemon HeartGold where is lance?

Lance helps you with team rocket and then leaves because he is the last of the elite 4

Who is the Pokemon league champion in HeartGold?

the champ, not the chump lolololo0ol, is Lance the pokemon leugue champ

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your well done if and only if you can find the person you teamed up with

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Why does Lance have level 50 Dragonite in Pokemon Heartgold?

u wot m8

In Pokemon HeartGold how do you talk to lance?

You should never have a problem in talking to him if you are meant to at that point in the game, if you are wondering whether you can randomly find/talk to him at your will then the answer is no.

Who is the champion in Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver?

The Pokemon champion is Lance, the dragon champion. He was the champion in the original Pokemon gold and silver.