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graveler haunter an some others some holding items some not

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Q: In Pokemon FireRed what Pokemon evolve by trade?
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Pokemon FireRed how to get machamp?

You have to trade it , and it will evolve on the trade ,

How does Haunter evolve in Pokemon FireRed version?

trade it then it will evolve

How can you get a golem in Pokemon FireRed?

your graveller will evolve if you trade him

At what level does Scyther evolve on Pokemon FireRed?

scyther does not evolve unless you trade it

Pokemon firered how do you get noctowl?

Evolve a hoohthoot in emerald and trade it.

When do Pokemon evolve completely in FireRed?

You will know when pokemon evolve completely when they don't attempt to evolve when you train it, use items on it or trade.

What does a upgrade do in Pokemon FireRed?

If you give it to porygon and trade it, porygon will evolve

When does a haunting evolve on Pokemon FireRed?

Haunter evolves during trade.

How do you catch Alakazam without trading on Pokemon firered?

NO,you will have to trade it to evolve it.

In pokemon firered what level does kadabra evolve?

It doesn't evolve in a level-up. A kadabra evolves in a trade.

When does kadabra evolve on Pokemon FireRed?

Kadabra only evolves during a trade.

What does dragonscale do in Pokemon firered?

If Seadra is holding a dragonscale and you trade it. It will evolve into a Kingdra.