in the poke mart the paper write link together with all (u get mistery gift added in the main menu) go to mistery gift and go in the poke mart talk to the guy in green next to the counter and he will give it to you
p.s. u need the link thing that's in the box to do the event
You need the mystic ticket to get to navel rock on firered.
Nintendo event or cheating
The mystery ticket gives you to go to island 8 and9
It's in a event but it's gone now
Getting the Aurora Ticket with an EmulatorYou have to get all the legendary Pokemon (moltras, zaptose, Aricuno, suicune, Ricu, and the other Pokemon but I forgot the other Pokemon's name but you know what I mean) and then you have to show then to bill and then he'll give you an aurora ticket.
You can only get it by Mystery Event.
you cant eon ticket has absolutely no use in pokemon firered.
you have to get it at special events
i think you will get it to the game designer . .
Nintendo event or gameshark
Yes how
There is none
You need the mystic ticket to get to navel rock on firered.
You can't catch it on Firered you can only catch it in Emerald
you have to get it from a special event
There has never been such a thing.