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it means its evolving. when it evolves, its apperance changes. not only that but it gets stronger as it levels up & it can learn new attacks. evolving them is a great way to win battles w/ them.

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Q: In Pokemon Emerald Version what does it mean when your Pokemon is glowing?
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I assume you mean pokemon FROM gold version, and that you want to trade them to your emerald version. You can't. Emerald is a generation three game whereas Gold is a generation two game. You can only trade Emerald with Ruby, Sapphire, Firered and Leafgreen. Pokemon Gold can only trade with Crystal, Silver, Red, Blue and Yellow. If you mean actual 'Gold' pokemon, then you're talking about shiny pokemon. You need to catch them in the wild (1/+8000, so have fun with that).

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You come there normally it's in the game and if you mean to catch deoxys you need a special ticket from pokemon-tour!

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If you mean the kanto region, you can't in Pokemon emerald, you are stuck in hoenn.

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The circles in Pokemon Emerald are a form of marking and naming the users ' Pokemon. It allows the user to differentiate between Pokemon.

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I'm sorry to say but you cannot get TM mean look on Pokemon emerald because it does not exist. Bye

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Well, if you mean from emerald to diamond or pearl, than on your pearl or diamond version, first get the national pokedex, than go to the pal park, wich is located southeast of sandgem town. And you forgot to say on the pearl version the same thing with diamond!!!!! and you have to support six Pokemon

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they mean ither a rare Pokemon is around there or go there

How do you defeat emerald city on Pokemon in Game Boy?

That makes no sense. Do you mean how do you beat Pokemon Emerald for the Game boy?

Pokemon emerald version where to find eyeglass?

If you mean the dark sunglasses, then in Rustboro the cave has an open space with a guy. If you use the item finder you'll find the glasses

Pokemon Platinum version games?

I dont quite understand what you mean by, 'Pokemon Platinum Version Games' But I think that you mean the games that it is compatible with? The games that Platinum is compatible with are; Sapphire Ruby Emerald FireRed LeafGreen Diamond Pearl Platinum Those are the GBA/ DS Games. Hope it helps. -Celestial Illusion