yes because they'll go straight to your poffin case and lose their effect just to raise your pokemons stats.
Just change the date on the DS and it'll effect the same as Pokemon Diamond.
all the lava cookie does is heals any effect that is on your pokemon. sleep, poison, burn, etc.
This is really a matter of opinion. The two versions vary on which Pokemon you can catch. Many think Diamond is the better game because of the better looking Pokemon and Dialga looks stranger then Palkia, but, in true fact, Pearl is a better version. Plakia is the stronger one. Dalga is Dragon and Steel type, where as Palkia is Dragon and Water. The two dragon types cancle each other out, but water has a better effect on steel then steel has on water, but neither are super effective to each other. Another reason why Pearl is better is because the Pokemon seem to level up quicker then on Diamond. I have both games and I have had a Dratini on each, lv 1. Both of them battled a Starly lv 2 and the Pearl Dratini's exp level was a few sections higher then the Diamond Dratini when they both got the same amount of exp. The final reason why Pearl is better is because of Poffins and Amurty Square. You have a better chance of getting a good Poffin on Pearl then you do on Diamond. My friend and I found this out when I made a Poffin on both games, same berry, same way, no burns not spillage and the one on Pearl was better. And Amurty Square, you have a much better chance of getting a good item there then you do on Diamond.
some slugma have effect warm body it helps eggs hatch
Natures (not JUST in Pokemon Diamond) give your Pokemon one stat boost, as well as one stat hinderance. For example, Adamant increases attack and reduces special attack. Some natures don't have ANY effect. If you need a chart for natures, I have one made here:
Just change the date on the DS and it'll effect the same as Pokemon Diamond.
In Hearthome City, there is a small house left of the pokemart. It is labeled on a sign- "The Poffin House" Delicious Poffins--Smiles for All Go inside the house, talk to the lady, and make poffins! (make sure you bring plenty of berries!)
specifically made for pikachu to hold
Use the move sweet scent or use honey
No Pokemon with wonder guard is an abilty that prevents non super effective moves to effect your Pokemon
If you mean Flame Body, then only Magby and Slugma (along with their evolutions) have it.
all the lava cookie does is heals any effect that is on your pokemon. sleep, poison, burn, etc.
ice types effect giratina really badily
This is really a matter of opinion. The two versions vary on which Pokemon you can catch. Many think Diamond is the better game because of the better looking Pokemon and Dialga looks stranger then Palkia, but, in true fact, Pearl is a better version. Plakia is the stronger one. Dalga is Dragon and Steel type, where as Palkia is Dragon and Water. The two dragon types cancle each other out, but water has a better effect on steel then steel has on water, but neither are super effective to each other. Another reason why Pearl is better is because the Pokemon seem to level up quicker then on Diamond. I have both games and I have had a Dratini on each, lv 1. Both of them battled a Starly lv 2 and the Pearl Dratini's exp level was a few sections higher then the Diamond Dratini when they both got the same amount of exp. The final reason why Pearl is better is because of Poffins and Amurty Square. You have a better chance of getting a good Poffin on Pearl then you do on Diamond. My friend and I found this out when I made a Poffin on both games, same berry, same way, no burns not spillage and the one on Pearl was better. And Amurty Square, you have a much better chance of getting a good item there then you do on Diamond.
No, you cant go over Lv. 100 i tried, it didn't have an effect.
some slugma have effect warm body it helps eggs hatch
it works i swear and if you save while the Pokemon are shiny this effect will last forever 1206 8AC6 6000 0460 good luck