Not that I know of, no. I think they are just there for praise. Bloom them as much as you can, though.
shinshu field, north ryoshima coast, and kamui
It really depends on how long it takes you to fight all the monsters and complete the quests.
I would say all the fifth tier weapons. Solar Flare, Thunder Edge, and Tundra Beads
Breezing, growing, blooming, budding
Amaterasu is a goddess...therefore the wolf is a female..and okami doesn't look at girls clevage,issun the creature that travels with her is the one who makes the perverse statements and she is also a female as well due to what the gods tell her when her and issun find a celestral brushstroke and the god of that stroke calls her mother amaterasu "origin of all that is good and mother to us all"so this little statement proves that amaterasu is a female
Okami 2 will come out in 2010 in Japan. Okami 2 will be coming out, around 2011 in Kansas and all that.
No, not at all.
i found all of them but you gotta look, i can't really help you because they change the locatins of the clovers everytime you play...sorry
No they are small like all the others
shinshu field, north ryoshima coast, and kamui
Clovers grow in your yard because they have all it takes them to grow.
You save lives. thats the biggest reward of all You save lives. thats the biggest reward of all
You save lives. thats the biggest reward of all You save lives. thats the biggest reward of all
Clovers can be a healthy occasional treat for hamsters, but should not be a staple in their diet. While some hamsters may enjoy clovers, others may not, so it's important to monitor their reaction. Make sure the clovers are free of any pesticides or chemicals that could be harmful to your hamster.
There is no where to go, you simply earn the badge.
It really depends on how long it takes you to fight all the monsters and complete the quests.
Yes. Lemon clovers are delicious and edible. They have a tangy taste, first they're sour then sweet. Me and my friends like to eat them all the time, we really enjoy them. [: