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you first need to get Nancy's cell phone number, which is on her phone if you click on it. It should be at the bottom, not on the screen. Then, use your laptop to look up Morse Code and then find out what the numbers would be in Morse code. Finally, you enter it all into the lighthouse.

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Q: In Nancy drew danger on deception island what is the code to the lock on the lighthouse easy?
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In Nancy drew danger on deception island what is the code to the lock on the lighthouse?


In the Nancy Drew's Danger on Deception Island game how many placing are there to find clams?

There are the beach by the lighthouse and the beach you find by entering the new coordinates into the gps (the one you row to)

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If you go to the lighthouse, you will find some holes in the sand, which you can use the clammer to dig up. The rest are at the sandbar. (must get all rosebud messages)

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the lighthouse the bike, the secret beach the kayak

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The secret passage way in Deception Island is under one of the tables in the back party room in the cafe. The table is close to the wall and it is the one with the salt and pepper shakers knocked down.

Can you get a hint on where the holes are for the clams on Nancy Drew Danger on Deception island?

I know you can get clams at the beach you go to with the kayak. go the the rocks but be careful! you might fall in when your jumping from rock to rock!!!

In the Nancy drew game danger on deception island what does the note from rosebud mean?

The note from Rosebud in the game "Danger on Deception Island" is a clue hinting at the location of a hidden object or puzzle. Players need to pay attention to the details mentioned in the note and use them to solve the mystery or progress in the game.

Where can i find the penetration oil on Nancy Drew Danger on Deception Island?

When you find the secret passage way go through the really long tunnel, then you'll find a box with a bunch of spray cans contaning oil.

What movie and television projects has Shannon Kipp been in?

Shannon Kipp has: Played Emily Foxworth in "Nancy Drew: Message in a Haunted Mansion" in 2000. Played Hilda Swenson in "Nancy Drew: Danger on Deception Island" in 2003. Played Bet Rawley in "Nancy Drew: The Secret of Shadow Ranch" in 2004. Played Beverlia in "What the Funny" in 2008. Performed in "Chase Me" in 2009. Played Susan in "Touchy Feely" in 2013.

What is the best Nancy Drew PC game?

This question's answer can only be answered in an opinion, really. :/ I actually have three favorite Nancy Drew games: #9-Danger on Deception Island [DDI], #18-The Phantom of Venice [VEN], and #21-Warnings at Waverly Academy [WAC].I enjoy these particular games mostly because they all have interesting plots and that they are difficult but not toodifficult, and easy but not too easy.

What is the hardest Nancy drew game?

Oh my gosh they were all hard but the ones that were EXTREMELY hard would have to be... Secret of the Scarlet Hand Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake Danger on Deception Island The Haunting of Castle Malloy The White Wolf of Icicle Creek Treasure in the Royal Tower Shadow at the Water's Edge