You have to buy at least one thing from the supermarket everyday for 10 days.
You can't get Korbos anywhere. The Channel 2 just means that you haven't got anything for sale yet.
Harvest Moon Magical Melody: it's in your house when you start the game. Harvest Moon DS: you can buy it from the TV shopping channel channel 2, but to get channel 2 you have to shop for 10 days at the supermarket (you don't have to shop 10 days in a row, just 10 days). Harvest Moon GameBoy: you have all of your tools in a shed.
I have it but i thinh you have to unloch channel 2 first(I did)and unlock a certain amount of harvest sprites.
i think that 1s called earth and you have 2 rescue 10 harvest sprites
You have to buy something from Karen's everyday for 10 days then you get channel 2 on the harvest sprite show, and you buy it from channel 2.
You must Purchase an item from Karen's store for a total of 10 days.
no you must buy it after 2 house upgrade on the shopping channel.
You have to buy at least one thing from the supermarket everyday for 10 days.
You must buy at least one item from Karen's Supermarket on ten different days. On the tenth day you will unlock the Harvest Sprite that runs Channel 2.
Usually 3-4 days. Sometimes depends on the item. Hope this helps ;) :)
You can't get Korbos anywhere. The Channel 2 just means that you haven't got anything for sale yet.
Harvest Moon Magical Melody: it's in your house when you start the game. Harvest Moon DS: you can buy it from the TV shopping channel channel 2, but to get channel 2 you have to shop for 10 days at the supermarket (you don't have to shop 10 days in a row, just 10 days). Harvest Moon GameBoy: you have all of your tools in a shed.
I have it but i thinh you have to unloch channel 2 first(I did)and unlock a certain amount of harvest sprites.
Buy something from the supermarket with the phone everyday for ten days excluding days off, festivals etc. After nine days have passed on the tenth day buy something and you will get the channel 2.
You have to wait and look on channel 2 everyday and wait for the vacum cleaner, however it is quite expensive and can not pay with normal currency
i think that 1s called earth and you have 2 rescue 10 harvest sprites