Level up enough to unlock custom classes. Select "Custom Classes" and Custom Class 1 should already provide it. Or, you can pick an M4A1 off the ground from a fallen enemy/teammate.
I'm assuming you're talking about the Commando in Call of Duty: Black Ops. It looks like a Colt M4, of which variation I'm not sure. Perhaps an M4A1 or M4A2? I can't really be sure, the game doesn't provide enough information about it.
well i think it has to be camo ak or alcad m4
The best gun is the Ak-47 it is so strong and it has good accuray,second is m4 cabrine.MP44 sucks dont use it, its the same as the Ak just diffrent fire rate but the mp44 is alright with double tap. The best snipers are the barret 50.cal and M40A3 i perfer both but the 50 cal is better but it has to much recoil, the M40A3 is such a good bolt action with 0% recoil. R700,dragnov,and m21 sucks so bad!!!dont use any of these
The M4 Carbine is not a weapon that appears in Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. The only games in the Metal Gear series which feature the M4 are Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty and Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. However, Peace Walker does feature the Colt Model 653, also known as the Colt Commando, a precursor to the M4, which would enter service in 1994. To obtain the M653, you must first have a Rank 2 M16A1. You must then complete Extra Ops 59, the design specs will be located at the south edge of the map.
It all depends on your playing style, but most people prefer Kriss Super V or M4 Custom.
There is an M4 carbine in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.
* MP5 * M4 CARBINE * AK-47 * AK-74u * M16 * DRAGUNOV * M404A3 * M21 * BARRET .50 CAL * DEAGLE (DESEART EAGLE) * USP.45 * RPD * RPG (NOOBY) * M60 * AND MANY MORE :O
Go into multi player, then create class. select gun, i highly recommend the M4 carbine. a side arm dessert eagle and perks u have to reach a certain level to be able to make one. then press O. DONE
Just complete all assault rifle challenges and the gold camo wiill be unlocked. Enjoy.
yes modern warfare 2 will still have the m16 but instead of the usual 3 shot burst it will be updated to a automatic like the m4 carbine but with more power
Here is a list of weapons you can find and use in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.Primary WeaponsAssault RiflesM4A1FAMASSCAR-HTAR-21FALM16A4ACRF2000AK-47Sub Machine GunsMP5KUMP45VectorP90Mini-UziLight Machine GunsL86 LSWRPDMG4AUG HBARM240Sniper RiflesInterventionBarret .50calWA2000M21 EBRDragunov (Single Player Only)Riot ShieldSecondary WeaponsMachine PistolsPP2000G18M93 RafficaTMPShotgunsSPAS-12AA-12StrikerRangerM1014Model 1887HandgunsUSP .45.44 MagnumM9Desert EagleLaunchersAT4-HSThumper x 2StingerJavelinRPG-7 x 2~LegendFPSWell there are many guns in Cod MW2, there are RPD, Vector, Ak-47, Barret 50. Cal, Famas, and M4. Don't be dissapointed about this shory list, that was just a few.
M855 62 grain ball.
5.56 nato or civilain 223 remington
That is the easiest question I have answered. My friend has an M4 Field Duty kit, and I would recommend just getting a new gun entirely. Even if you chose to fix the M4, it wouldn't be worth it.
Security Forces are Arming Group A- Regular use of weapons as duty requirement. Primary Duty weapon is M4 Carbine.