Yes, in Texas Hold'em, a full house beats a flush.
No, in poker, a full house beats a flush.
No, a full house beats a flush in a game of cards.
Yes, in poker, a full house beats a flush.
No, a full house beats a flush in a game of poker.
Yes, in Texas Hold'em, a full house beats a flush.
No, a flush cannot beat a full house.
Well poker hands are [from the worst to the best]: 1- high card [no-pair] 2- one pair 3- two pair 4- three of a kind [trips, set] 5- straight 6- flush 7- full house [full boat] 8- four of a kind [quads] 9- straight flush 10- royal straight flush. So.. yes, it does. Royal flushes are the strongest hands in regular texas holdem.
No, in poker, a full house beats a flush.
No, Three of a kind can not beat a straight.
No, a full house beats a flush in a game of cards.
Yes, in poker, a full house beats a flush.
In poker? Cause i play Texas Hold'em and a Straight does NOT beat a fullhouse, starting from highest to lowest: Royal Flush, Straight flush, four of a kind, full house, flush, straight, three of a kind, two pair, pair, high card.
No, a full house beats a flush in a game of poker.
Four of a Kind Straight Flush Royal Flush
Yes, a straight flush beats a full house in poker.