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No, in Poker, the higher pair does not always win. The winning hand is determined by the overall ranking of the hands, which can include factors such as the presence of other combinations like straights, flushes, or full houses.

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Q: In poker, does the higher pair always win?
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In poker, does a higher pair always win over a lower pair?

Yes, in poker, a higher pair always beats a lower pair.

Which hand would win in a showdown between a poker pair vs pair?

In a poker showdown between two pairs, the hand with the higher pair would win.

What are the rules for jacks or better in poker?

In the game of jacks or better in poker, a player needs to have at least a pair of jacks or higher to win. Any hand that is lower than a pair of jacks does not qualify for a win.

Which hand is more likely to win in a poker game: a pair or a straight?

In a poker game, a straight is more likely to win than a pair.

Which hand would win in a showdown between two pairs versus two pairs in a game of poker?

In a game of poker, if two players have two pairs each, the winner is determined by the higher pair. The player with the higher pair wins the showdown.

Does a higher straight win in poker?

In poker, a higher straight does win. A straight is a hand with five consecutive cards in any suit, and the higher the value of the highest card in the straight, the better the hand.

Do you automatically win poker with a pair of aces?

no, it depends on what the other player(s) have(has)

Does a higher flush always win in a game of poker?

In a game of poker, a higher flush does not always win. If two or more players have a flush, the winner is determined by the highest-ranking card in the flush. If two players have the same highest card, then the next highest card is used to determine the winner, and so on. If all five cards in the flush are the same, then the pot is split between the players.

Which poker hand is better double 4 or double ace?

The double ace (pair of aces) will win from the double 4 (pair of fours).

Does a higher flush win in a game of poker?

In a game of poker, a higher flush does win. A flush is a hand where all five cards are of the same suit, and the one with the highest-ranking card wins if multiple players have a flush.

How do you determine the winner when both of you have the same pair in Texas holdem poker?

You determine the winner by seeing who has a higher second card. If you have an AK, and your opponent has an A7, and both of you have an Ace pair, then you would win the hand because your K is higher than the 7. If you both have the same second card, then the pot is split.

Do pocket queens win over two pair?

No, two pair always beats a pair.