The letters spell the word python.
Animal. SEOMU can be rearranged to MOUSE.
Those letters unscramble to make England -a country.
You would have the name of a city - the letters spell PARIS (they also spell PAIRS, but that it not "the name of a ..."). Paris France CITY
The letters spell the word python.
If you were to rearrange the letters in the word 'LNGEDNA' you would get England.
City. Tokyo. If you rearrange the letters "TOOKY" you get Tokyo.
If you rearrange the letters "seomu", you would have the name of a/an: Is it an animal, city, country, or ocean
ANSWERThese letters, rearranged, would spell the name of an animal.ANSWERIf you arrange/rearrange/unscramble the letters 'seomu', you would have An animal: mouse (a small mammal under the rodents group).
You would have FRANCE
Job :)
It would unscramble to be ' enjambement'.
You would have the name of a 'piece of furtniture' - the letters make CHAIR