The average length of English words is approximately 4.5 letters. Therefore, on average 350 words would include approximately 1575 letters.
That would depend on which words you use (as they have different numbers of letters).
Characters would basically be each letter of a word. "Literally" has 9 characters. 9 letters.
The list would be too long to name all the ten letters words that start with G, but here are a few:GamekeeperGarbagemanGargantuanGarishnessGastronomeGastronomyGatekeeperGatheringsGemologistGeneralistGeneralizeGenerationGenerosityGenerouslyGentlenessGeocentricGeographerGeographicGeologicalGeriatricsGermicidalGhostwriteGhostwroteGhoulishlyGingersnapGingivitisGirlfriendGlasshouseGoalkeeperGovernableGovernmentGracefullyGraciouslyGraduationGramophoneGrandchildGranddaddyGrandstandGrapefruitGratefullyGratifyingGratuitiesGravestoneGreasinessGreedinessGreenhouseGregariousGrindstoneGroundsmanGroundworkGuardhouseGuesthouseGuillotineGunfighterGunslingerGymnasticsGynecology
That would depend on how long your words are. If your words were 3 letters long (the, are, cat, mat etc). then 2000 characters would make 666 words of that length. If your words were 6 letter long (hansom, salmon, friend etc) then 2000 character would make 333 words of that length.
The rearranged letters of "took" form the word "book."
pairs While it does spell out pairs, I believe a more accurate answer is Paris
I'd rearange that kids face.
if i could rearange the alphabet i would put u and i together
if i could rearange the alphabet i would put u and i together
You would be very limited here. Words made from the letters in ram would be: am, arm, mar, ram
that would be skiing
Job :)
Yes. Individual letters and numbers can be easily recognized by someone who would have difficulty decoding entire words.