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if you have the azure Flute in your bag, then walk up to spear pillar, once you come out of mt. coronet, then walk onto the middle of the square, that's when the flute will automatically play. After that, then a staircase appears and arceus is at the top of the stairs, it is on level 80, and it's ability is multitype, meaning that if you give it a fist plate, then it's type will change from normal to fighting, if you give it a fire plate, then it changes to fire, and so on. here is a link to a site with codes for all the plates. Just copy those down into your action replay and press l and r, each plate replaces the first item in your bag, so make sure you have a bad item. also, once you have finished adding the code, de-activate all of the other codes in your list, basically meaning that you un-check each box, this guarantees that each code will work. Also, only use one of the plate codes at a time, if you try to use two or more at the same time, then your game will either crash or it won't work.

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How do you get an Azure Flute to get Arceus in Pokemon Diamond?

LOOK ON YOUTUBE!!!! Youtube has people showing step-by-step instructions. Much better than any we could give you.

How do you get Arceus in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

There are currently two ways.The first is to go to a future Nintendo Event that features Arceus. You will get an azure flute. if you get it go to the spear pillar something will say the azure flute is glowing do you wanna blow into. it if you answer yes a big long staircase will appear and Arceus will be at the end of it. Arceus is level eighty so I recommend using a master ball or a really strong Pokemon.The second is to use an action replay. Use the Event Arceus cheat, and also the Master Ball cheat if you want to. Then turn on the game. Once you find a city, hold L+R while walking into a Poké Mart. Speak to the man in green, and he will give you the Azure Flute. Then go to the top of Mount Coronet (a guide is provided in the Related Links below). Once there, it will ask if you want to play the flute. Say yes, and stairs will appear. Go up them, battle Arceus, and catch him with the Master Ball.The Action Repay code is:94000130 FDFF000094000130 FDFF0000B2101D40 00000000D9000000 00111D10C0000000 0000000CDC000000 00000004D6000000 000233E8D1000000 00000000C0000000 0000000AD6000000 000233E8D2000000 0000000094000130 FEFF0000B2101D40 00000000D9000000 00111D10C0000000 0000000CD6000000 000233E8DC000000 00000004D2000000 0000000094000130 FFFB0000B2101D40 00000000DA000000 00111D10D4000000 00002400D3000000 00000000D7000000 0207404CD2000000 00000000You will need to have: A huge stock of pokeballs or 1 masterball, level 85-100 PokemonStrong and weak Pokemon for battleTo get Arceus first you must complete the national dex an Professor Rowan will give you the Azure Flute. Take the Azure Flute and give it to a Pokemon in your group. (I know it works on a Blissey) Then, take that Pokemon to the place where you battled Dialga. Use the Azure flute on one Pokemon and then you will hear it play a tune. After the tune is over magical step shall appear in front of you. Go around halfway up the steps and then save and get your Pokemon in the arrangement you will want them to face Arceus. Arceus is a level 80. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE HIM! He can turn into any type by whatever plate he is holding, for example he is holding a sky plate. Then he will turn into a flying type. Once you get to the top of the steps your character will walk up to where Arceus is and the battle begins. Weaken it to around orange health. Red if possible. Then use as many pokeballs as you can. Go from weak pokeball to your strongest.Siciepitilie9OR,on November 7th, 2009 go to toys are us in the USA and get it with a cherish ball. Wingnut5000i have an arceus i got mine with action replay but on july18 2009 go to mystery gift and you will get the azure flute go to the pokemart there will be a guy in green he will give your azure flute go to spear pillar it will say the azure flute is making sounds would you like to play it ? say yes then a glowing stairway appears go up and there awaits arceusbasicaly you cant because you need an actionreplay or on a special japan event:}You need to attend an official Nintendo event.go to the jubilife tv station and go to the 3rd floor. Talk to the man at the bottom of the room and say "Everyone Happy" and then "wi-fi Connection" and he will give u mystery gift. Save, Turn off/ Restart Pokemon (by pressing L,R,start mad select) and there will be the option "Mystery gift" at saved game page, click it and use get from via Nintendo WFC, and you'll get it. Then talk to a person in green shirt in any pokemart and they will give u a membership. Then you can get the azure flute. Once you have it go to mt. Coronet and play the flute, stairs will appear and Arceus will be at the top of them. Hope it helped :) Well, it depends. First of all, action replay and/ or pokesav work great with this. Secondly, there is an event hosting in Japan at the moment for the new movie.There are two ways (three including the Action Replay) to get Arceus. With the Action Replay, just cheat! There are also two ocasional events. One is when you got to Toys R Us and they will give you the Mystery Gift. Select mystery Gift on the menu, then the red guy in the Pokemart will give you an Arceus Lv100 with Judgement, Roar of Time, Spacial Rend, and Shadow Force.The other event is when the Mystery Gift is the Azure Flute. You get it from the red Pokemart guy. After that you have to go back to the Spear Pillar AND stand at the middle of the top of that little staircase. Go to key item and select use on the Azure Flute. The stairs get bigger and Arceus is at the top. You need to battle it and capture it to get it. It's Lv80. Both the toys R us event and the wifi event only last for a limited amount of time after the games release so if the game is way past coming out where you are don't bother the wifi events are over.Its supposed to be hard, so figure it out yourself! I'm not somebody who gives you answers. god!To catch arceus in Pokemon diamond you need to get mystery gift on the 3rd floor of jubilife city TV centre and then use it on the 18th of July to get the azure flute. Then go to where you caught dialga and it will say the flute is making a noise do you want to blow in it, say yes and a staircase will appear, go up it and there is Arceus.cheat and get azure flute then go to mount cornet summit and blow the flutewell, I have an R4 and I put a cheat on for all wild Pokemon Lv.100. I went to mount coronet. (I entered through the one closest to celestic town) and...there was an Arceus!!!Its supposed to be hard, so figure it out yourself! I'm not somebody who gives you answers. god!1 get an azure flute from an event2 go to spear pillar and go to a flute icon on the ground3 it will ask you if you want to play the azruil flute say yes4 stairs appear go up them5 save in front of Arceus6 battle himcheat and get azure flute then go to mount cornet summit and blow the fluteyou have to get a 50 win streak at the battle tower close to route 230 and route 225 beat the whole game to get the ticket for the snowpoint city cruseWell u need Action Replay 2 get arceus and i have it but i also have 1 code that u can get any Pokemon u want trust me i have all Legendarys even Deoxys all forms. For Pokemon Pearl Only though sorry it might work on Diamond idk but heres the codes name for Arceus only its called ARCEUS EVENT and heres the code...... 93400130 FCFF0000B21C4D28 00000000B00000004 000000000000AA3C EDB883202000AA68 0000000AD2000000 00000000This code really works idk bout Diamond but pearl 100% sure! First you have to enter the Mew code on how to catch it then you press L and R at the same time when you begin the game also click on the Get TM's and HM's then you press select and L at the same time and you will begin to walk slowly( do this inRoute 212)You will then get 493 masterballs and you will get Arceus on Lv.18 or 19. THIS ONLY WORKS IF YOU HAVE A ACTION REPLAY.(this worked for me 'cause now I have 25 Arceus! : )

Pokemon Emerald flutes?

You can find 5 flutes that can be obtained in Pokémon Emerald Version all of which are obtained the same way. There is a man who can be found in a house in Route 113 that will give you a Soot Sack the first time that you talk to him and by using that you can collect the volcanic ash that will be on the same route and every step in the ash-covered grass will add a bit more to the sack and in order for him to create the flutes the requirements are as follows: Blue Flute which awakens sleeping Pokémon: 250 steps Red Flute which snaps Pokémon out of infatuation: 500 steps Yellow Flute which will snap Pokémon out of confusion: 500 steps Black Flute, which will lower the chance of encountering wild Pokémon by 50%: 1,000 steps White Flute, which will raise the chance of encountering wild Pokémon by 50%: 1,000 steps

Where are all the balloons in yum yum square on avenue flo special delivery?

They are somewhere but it's very hard to findyou might get very frustrated but I'm still on the 32nd balloon and cant seem to find the 33rd balloonif you find the go step by step and tell us soon as possible

How do you use chat on toontown?

ok, toon town has changed a lot! it doesnt give a 3 day limit, its forever, u can chat with the keyboard without bein a member, anyways to the question, Chat is just usin the keyboard, Speed Chat is words already selected for you, u dont type them. Since the first answer doesn't seem to answer your question, I will help you to the best of my abilities. Step One: Go to Toontown and click on the Membership tab. Step Two: Click on Account Manager. Step Three: Type in your Account I.D and Password, then log on. Step Four: Then click on the Community Settings tab. Step Five: Enable the Speedchat Plus and wait until Toontown sends you the verification Email. Step Six: When you see the Email, open it and it should verify that you will be able to use chat on Toontown.

Related questions

If you have the azure flute then you step is the square then is doesn't work?

the azure flute can only be used at spear pillar when you stand on the first square it should automatically ask if you if you want to use the azure flute then a stair way should appear run up it then before you get to the top i recommend that you save then when you get to the top you will face arceus lv 80 moves r judgement perish song recover hyper beam hope this helps.

I got the azure flute using the M3ds real when i go to spear pillar it doesnt ask do anything what do you do?

You must play the flute as soon as you step into Spear Pillar, immediately after leaving the cave at the summit. yea, i know, but usually, when u exit to spearpillar, it sposed to say that its making a wierd sound and asks u if u wanna blow into it, but it doesnt do that, so i stand on the picture of the flute and go to the azure flute, but the only option is "cancel". ???

How can you find Arceus Pokemon platinum?

Get the azure flute go to spear pillar and stand on the weird design the first step from the cave. Play the azure flute and a stairway will appear and then you will see arceus at the top.

What do you do with the azure flute in Pokemon platimon?

u go to spear piller go step on the floor with a flute painted on it and blow the flute a golden stair will apear and arceus on lv 80 will b there

What does the Azure Flute do and how else may you obtain Arceus?

The Azure Flute allows you to capture Arceus in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. You must go back to the Spear Pillar where you caught Dialga/Palkia and step onto the square. The Azure Flute will automatically play. Then, go up the steps to capture Arceus. The Azure Flute is only obtainable through rare and special Nintendo Events. The only other method to self-obtain it, is to use an Action Replay. An alternative method is trading it over from a friend. You may also try the GTS, but I highly doubt that anybody would be willing to give up their Arceus for anything else.

How do you get an Azure Flute to get Arceus in Pokemon Diamond?

LOOK ON YOUTUBE!!!! Youtube has people showing step-by-step instructions. Much better than any we could give you.

How do you use the azure's flute on Pokemon pearl?

once you get the azure's flute go to the spear pillar then if you see the flute symbol stand on it then blow it then a staircase appears then you step up then you enter the hall of origin then if you enter it you will encounter the most powerful Pokemon in the game the Pokemon is called arceus then if you saved the master ball you will catch it easily.

Where can you have arceus?

You can't have Arceus. You can only have Arceus with Action Replay DSi, which already has got the code so i'ts easier to get it like that. n.n you can have it in trade and if you have a azure flute use th azure flute in front of the tiles its near of were you get dalgia or palkia the tiles is the opening of the cave step in the middle use azure flute and go up and save and use master ball if you don't have it cacth it with other balls

Using mystery gift in diamond and pearl?

well, i no using this, "mystery gift" helps you get one key thing, the azure flute. (which you need to get arceus, the god of Pokemon) now, there is a much easier solution to get the azure flute then mystery gift. simply go buy an action replay, find a code on the internet for the azure flute, and other cool stuff for diamond and pearl. once you find the correct code, slect it on ur action replay, insert ur game, and before walking into any pokemart press L+R. then talk to a guy in green, he gives u the azure flute. (unfortunatly, i don't have the code, i just stumbled across it once) then go to the place where u caught dialga or palkia, and step on the square thing with a picture of a flute in the middle. then you blow in the flute, magical staircase appears, then u go catch arceus. (save the game!!!!!!!!!) well, i no using this, "mystery gift" helps you get one key thing, the azure flute. (which you need to get arceus, the god of Pokemon) now, there is a much easier solution to get the azure flute then mystery gift. simply go buy an action replay, find a code on the internet for the azure flute, and other cool stuff for diamond and pearl. once you find the correct code, slect it on ur action replay, insert ur game, and before walking into any pokemart press L+R. then talk to a guy in green, he gives u the azure flute. (unfortunatly, i don't have the code, i just stumbled across it once) then go to the place where u caught dialga or palkia, and step on the square thing with a picture of a flute in the middle. then you blow in the flute, magical staircase appears, then u go catch arceus. (save the game!!!!!!!!!)

Where are the strongest Pokemon at in Pokemon Diamond?

The Strongest pokemon... Well there isnt really the STRONGEST. Cause there are Cheats, but then it depends how much HP ups, Carbos's, ect. you give a certain pokemon. But actually, with the Azure Flute event, you could get the GOD POKEMON, Arceus. To get that, go to Spear Pillar, (WITH THE AZURE FLUTE) then play the azure flute, 1 step forward from the cave entrance. Then after a LONG time of playing the flute, a staircase would appear. Walk up it and then you would find Arceus... I recommend Saving before battling/capturing him.

When you have the azure flute how do you find Arceus?

go back to spear pillar (where you battle palkia/dialga) and step on a symbol in front of the entrance you wil be asked to blow the azure flute select yes and stairs will appear go through that stairs and you will find arceus good luck (I still have a master ball so I am lucky)

How do you catch arceas in Pokemon Diamond?

you need azure flute via Nintendo mystrery gift event! ANSWER NO 2 you have to get the mystery gift and go to any poke mart (closest on oreborough city) and talk to the man in green and you will get the azure flute and go through mount coronet to where dialga use to be and give the azure flute any Pokemon and a magical stair case will apear and save on the stairs because when you step onto the diamond floor you can't go back! hope it helped you