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It's impossible. You don't have time to react once two people put on the earrings.

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Q: If Goku and Vegeta did the fusion dance that makes them Gogeta but while wearing the special earings that make them Vegito and they were able to fuse how strong would they be?
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Gogeta is the fusion of whom two?

goku and vegeta after fusion dance not the patora earings

Who is the second strongest in dragonball z?

At the end the strongest is vegito (the fusion of goku and vegeta via the potara earings). the second is either gohan or gogeta. Sorry but I can't remember which.

How do Goku and Vegeta become Gogeta?

Goku and Vegeta fuse into Gogeta through the Matmorese art of fusion (fusion dance).

How did Goku become Gogeta?

Goku becomes Gogeta by fuseing with Vegeta.

Who is Gogeta?

Gogeta is a fusion of Goku and Vegeta after performing the Fusion Dance correctly. Gogeta and Vegito, though both fusions of Goku and Vegeta, are two different characters and should not be confused.

What fusion is gogeta?

There is no Gogeta, only Super Gogeta and he is the fusion of Goku and Vegeta. He first appeared in the movie with Janemba

Is vegeta the best fighter in dbz?

no gogeta is he is goku fusioned with vegeta if not him then omega sheron

Who is gogeta fom Dragon Ball Z?

Gogeta is Goku and Vegeta when using the Fusion Dance.

Who is stronger vegeta ssj2 or gogeta ssj?

vegeta ssj2 is atie beacause goku would have to down his power level to vegetas and when they fuse gogeta power level was 500000 and vegeta ssj2 power level is 500000 and plus vegeta controlls gogeta so thy are same persons with just a difference of ssj

How are Vegitto and Gogeta born?

Vegitto - was born by the potara fusion technique. Gogeta - was born by the fusion dance technique. Vegito is goku and vegeta fused with potara earrings. Gogeta is goku and vegeta fused with fusion dance.

What is the name of gogeta and vegito fused?

Gogeta is Goku+Vegeta and Vegito is probably from Vegeta+Kakarrot(which is goku's saiyan name).Hope i answered ur question :D

Who is stronger vegito or gogeta and is goku more like gogeta and vegito more like vegeta?

Type your answer here... vegeta is more like vegito because vegeta is stronger than goku and vegito is stronger than gogeta.goku is more like gogeta because he is weaker than vegeta and gogeta is also weaker than vegito.