No, You do not have to pay. It is free when you get free shellshock points that you can get by going on upgrades. You only pay if you pay for shellshock live points by PayPal.
No you don't have to pay for pockie ninja its a free game.I played it and no pay
No. 'Free' apps means that they're free. You don't have to pay anything for free apps. Sometimes few websites do market some of there apps as free applications, but actually they are charging for them through
you cant download app which cost for free if you download it it will cost you and you will have to pay for it, if you dont want to pay for apps only download apps which are free.
Pay for it. Nothing is free.
I have pay for my college or is free for me
It is impossible to pay for free. If you are paying for something, then it is definitely not free. However, if you do not pay anything and receive something for nothing, then it is free.
If you pay for it it isn’t free.
Since it is a free trial, it is free, so no, you do not have to pay.
NO! its free just if you want resident you do or gems you have to pay but no you don't have to pay its all free
How come I have to pay for free grant money
no its not free you have to pay alot.
Completely free.
You pay
Free websites don't want you to pay to use them.
You have to pay to download items that are not free and have a cost. You do not pay to download free items which do not have a charge.
no you do not have to pay to update it.. its free