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It does not take long for it to get enough of a charge for the red lights to work. Plus when the item is plugged in it has power and will work as a controller while it is charging.

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Q: How you will know ps3 controller is charging if it is completely dead?
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Why won't my ps3 controller charge?

Take the controller cable and plug it into a computer USB port and into your controller and see if that works. A few hours should be enough. Make sure your system is set to automatically turn off your controllers when it turns off the system if it is not then the controllers will always use up there charge even though you are not using them. A Controller should work with the cable even if it is not charged so make sure your controller is working. At I found a 2 pack of extra cables for only $10, but the price did go up after my purchase. A PS3 will not charge a controller when it is off, so I plug my controller into a USB Port on my Sony HDTV and know it is always fully charged. Some people purchase charging stations for the same reason.

In Sims 2 the servo robot will not recharge properly.?

If you are charging at night, your servo will not charge because it charges with sunlight. If you are charging in the day and it's not charging I don't really know what to tell you. I hope I was of at least a little bit of help .~.

Can you play DJ Hero using a PS2 Controller?

Using the unplug/hold left/plug controller again trick YES BUT I DONT KNOW THE CONTROLS

How do you know when your xbox controller is low on battery?

The lights around the Guide button alternating.

Can you play Call of Duty modern warfare 2 for the PC with a controller?

just saerch for controllers online, but i think you can use a logitech controller forit, i really dont know, but i think its compatible with it.

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A light will appear

How do you know when a PS3 controller has finished charging?

You can go to the PlayStation 3 starting screen and press the PS button in the center of the controller, and there should be a pop up in the corner (or near) that shows you the battery charge.

Can the PlayStation 3 wireless controller always be used as a wired controller connected via charge cable?

If that is the only way it will work you can use it like that and sometimes you should try it without the charging cable because they have been know to start charging again and work without further problems. That is information about the PS3 Orginal equiptment Dual Shock 3 controller and not some OEM offbrand. BTW the controller is bluetooth

How do you know when your 3ds is fully charged?

Inside of the controller is a lithium-ion battery that is charged via the USB port on the front of the controller.

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You are dead.

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It wouldnt work

How do you know battery is charging?

It will read 12.6 volts - thirty minutes after charging.

How do you know your shuffle is charging?

you know because when the light is on

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think about your ex-crush in the nude, if that does do anything for you, the crush is dead.

Why does my charger just blink instead of charging?

So you can know that it is charging and blinking is just in case you don't think it's charging. Did this help you??

How do you know when your dsi is finished charging?

It's orange charging light will turn off when finished.

What do you do if your ps3 controller wont work?

Plug the charging cable in and hit the PS3 logo that should work even if your battery is bad. You know most use the term controller and not remote when talking about a Dual Shock 3 controller. If you have some other brand or type of controller say so when you ask again