We don't get an exact measurement, but it is believed that he is over 8' since he is taller then Piccolo who is 7'5".
Goku and Vegeta take Majin Buu (the fat one) out of super buu
There a 3 pink guys: Majin Buu( The fat one), Super Buu( The Tall and skinny one) and Kid Buu( The Small and Skinny one also the strongest).
Unlock and beat the mission Terrifing Majin Buu
Kid buu is the original buu. Evil buu is the evil of majin buu manifested into another buu. He is kid buu in a different form. Evil buu=kid buu power level wise. Super buu surpasses both of them in power which is made very clear in the manga and not so clear in the anime. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Correction. Yes, Kid buu is the real Majin buu. Yes, Evil buu is the evil of majin buu manifested into another buu but he's not near to kid Buu's level. Kid Buu >>>>>> Evil Buu Super Buu's power isn't near to Kid Buu either.
Because it is set before the Majin Buu Saga where Videl is still pregnant with Pan. Pan shows up in the Majin Buu saga
Goku and Vegeta take Majin Buu (the fat one) out of super buu
Do you mean Majin Buu? He expels his negative energy and powers when he got angry, which formed in Evil Buu. Evil Buu then reflected a Chocolate Beam that Majin Buu fired at him, which turned Majin Buu into food. He then ate him, and turned into Super Buu.
Majin Buu and Super Buu (Super Buu Gotenks Absorbed and Super Buu Gohan Asorbed)
Majin buu is the fat buu super buu is the one that absorbed gohan kid buu is the strongest of them all
Fat Buu loses, Super Buu stalemates and Kid Buu curbstomps.
Majin Buu,Evil Buu,Super Buu,and Kid Buu's race are Majins.Powerful and dangerous species.They can't get hurt from attacks of other races,but they can get hurt by their own kind.Or,maybe not...?
The evil and anger inside Majin Buu (Fat Buu) was released from his body into smoke after a blonde dude shot his dog with a sniper rifle, then the smoke turned into a skinny buu (Evil Buu) and evil buu turned majin buu into choclate and ate him which turned him into super buu... c=
Dbz raging blast have kid buu,super buu all forms,and majin buu
Play the majin buu SAGA
Goku and Vegeta go inside him and take out Majin Buu (the fat one) and he turns into Kid Buu.
There a 3 pink guys: Majin Buu( The fat one), Super Buu( The Tall and skinny one) and Kid Buu( The Small and Skinny one also the strongest).
Unlock and beat the mission Terrifing Majin Buu