Its Good, good stats all around, and it can learn 14 of the different types in the game.
You can find Tauros outside Olivine close to the Miltank farm
You can catch wild Tauros on Routes 38 and 39 during the daytime.
the opposite of yes
it depends on the level. If they were all the same level, I'd take tauros
no.besides,it's too strong.
Tauros can not evaluate
Tauros does not have a pre-evolution.
Tauros can be found at Area 3 in the safari zone.
Sorry Tauros does not evolve, but future Pokemon games may change that.
You can find Tauros outside Olivine close to the Miltank farm
breed. mostly breed what baby you want with a ditto.example: tauros breeds ditto=baby tauros. another way is to breed what baby you want with what baby you want example:tauros breeds tauros=baby tauros
Tauros is #128 in the national pokedex, and it is a Normal type Pokemon.
Tauros can be found in the Safari Zone usually in Area 3.
Definetly Tauros, he can take hits and has some powerful attacks. tauros is the better one but only because its a normal type as were heracross is a bug and weak to fire
NO it doesn't miltank doesn't evolve into anything neither does tauros either and nothing evolves into them
You can catch wild Tauros on Routes 38 and 39 during the daytime.