Gohan reached his full potential in SSJ2 By fighting Cell in his perfect form, which n fact makes Gohan stronger cause Cell pushed him too far, killing Goku, and hurting his friend, and killing android 16, is what made him rage so his power level is most likely over 9000 xD.
strong enough to beat cell
Gohan is strong in his mystic form,I'll admit that but he is no where near as strong as vegeta in his super sayian four form but out of all of them goku is the strongest of them all
which adult gohan are you talk about around great saiyanman saga? teen gohan stronger than adult gohan about twice but if you talk about adult gohan (mystic) adult gohan will kick teen gohan butt very easy
Mystic Gohan (big) is a bit better than Super Saiyan 2 (teen) Gohan.
No, Mystic Gohan is far stronger than in his SSJ2 form.
they are both pretty strong but gohan is stronger than trunks
strong enough to beat cell
gohan is more strong because after all he's goku's son and was a student of picolo
there isn't a Gohan ss3. however... there is Gohan elder Kai unlock ability which still cannot defeat the awesome Goku ss3+
Gohan is , when he is in raged he's like another broly , and we all know how strong he was.
Gohan is strong in his mystic form,I'll admit that but he is no where near as strong as vegeta in his super sayian four form but out of all of them goku is the strongest of them all
no gohan never reachs the level of super sayian 4 or 3. He never became as strong as goku and vegeta because he stoped training.
manga: gohan anime: goku manga : Gohan > SSJ3 Gotenks > SSJ Gotenks > SSJ3 Goku anime : SSJ Goku > Gohan if you see the filler inside buu Goku say they strong as the real one but still if go by manga SSJ Gotenks is enough for SSJ3 Goku
Mystic Gohan is stronger than SSJ2 Gohan.
if gotenks made him made super saiyan 3 wouldn't matter because gohan would be as strong as gotenks super saiyan 3 plus teen gohan rulez
which adult gohan are you talk about around great saiyanman saga? teen gohan stronger than adult gohan about twice but if you talk about adult gohan (mystic) adult gohan will kick teen gohan butt very easy
Ultimate gohan isn't as strong as a ssj4 the last guy who said that is a total FANBOY with no life.... that's all there is to it......ultimate gohan is as strong as a ssj3..in the buu saga ssj3 goku and ultimate gohan were tied and in the movie 13 ssj3 goku single handedly defeated hirudegarn while ultimate gohan could not hit or block any of his attacks and at the end of DBZ ssj3 goku became the strongest after that 10 year training to fight kid buus reincarnation...and he trained him for 5 years...it took goku 15 years after ssj3 to beocme a ssj4