1#, Abra's only move is teleport from level 1-16, so what you can do is exp. share. Put Abra first on your list and then in the first move, switch your Pokemon, and after the other Pokemon beats it, exp. share will happen. If your Abra is about level 1-5, get him up to level 10 by doing this.
2#, when he is level 10, i strongly advise you to use the TM 'Return' that professor Rowan gave you *only in Pokemon platinum*. If you do not wish to do this as you are don't want to waste it, continue using exp. share (it will take a long time). Get him up with return or exp. share to level 16 and it will FINALLY learn new moves and evolve to Kadabra.
3#You know a Pokemon that you catch at a lvl above when it would evolve will evolve the next lvl it gains? retard
4# To get Kadabra to evolve to Alakazam, you have to trade it to another trainer/friend, and trade back again. (Does not work if you still have an Abra).
It evolves via level starting at level 16.
I'm pretty sure it'll evolve after you level it again.
Abra the psychic pokemon evoles to kadabra at level 16 i used the people near goldenrod city to train my abra and then i leveled it up once and you have a kadabra
abra evolves into kadabra at level 16 on pokemon emerald best way give abra the exp share and use ur strongest pokemon and go 2 the victory road or pokemon legue
Abra evolves at level 16 into Kadabra and again into Alakazam if you trade it.
It evolves via level starting at level 16.
I'm pretty sure it'll evolve after you level it again.
It Dos Not Tell you in Pokemon Diamond Pearl and Platinum
Abra evovles into kadabra at lv 16
Abra will evolve at level 16.
Abra the psychic pokemon evoles to kadabra at level 16 i used the people near goldenrod city to train my abra and then i leveled it up once and you have a kadabra
abra evolves into kadabra at level 16 on pokemon emerald best way give abra the exp share and use ur strongest pokemon and go 2 the victory road or pokemon legue
Abra evolves at level 16 into Kadabra and again into Alakazam if you trade it.
level 16