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I do not know, Sometime to make my jokes funnier I laugh while saying it

(Eg. What did the sea say to the sand ??(giggle)......Nothing just waved (Laugh while saying the answer)).

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Q: How play make a joke funnier?
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Is funnier a comparative adjective?

Yes, "funnier" is the comparative form of the adjective "funny," used to compare two things' humor level. For example, "This joke is funnier than the one you told yesterday."

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a joke a joke can be cracked a joke can be made a joke can be told a joke can be played

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It's not funny if you're older than about 4, and explaining it won't make it any funnier.

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he told a funnier joke than you did.

How do you make a sentence with the word funnier?

Jeff likes comic books, but I think cartoons are funnier.

How to start a conversation?

Make a joke about an experience you both have in common. You could even make a joke about a teacher you both have or a sport you both play.

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Funnier than what? They're already funnier than salt. So yes. they ca be funnier than some other things, certainly.

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you say "make" when you make a joke but you say "do" when some one else makes a joke

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Some people are funnier than others, for much the same reason that some people play basketball better than others. We are all different.

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The Lego movie is way funnier.

How do you use funnier in a sentence?

im funnier than u ponned