It doesn't matter how old you are in order to have a Webkinz account. Webkinz is ment for everybody!
All the webkinz are posted on Webkinz world.
Yes, webkinz does have webkinz cheat codes!
On the webkinz website why do the webkinz get sad whenever you wash them
*correction invented! Ganz invented webkinz (more info on
the person who invented webkinz was the Ganz company.
At least 100, theres a page where you can view all the Webkinz invented. Check the Estore.
i have the most webkinz i have em all and Christina philipedes
It was invented in June 2006.
Army is from the 3rd year of webkinz
According to Wikipedia - It was invented April 19, 2005!
Someone Ganze
yes, pink google webkinz are very old.
Ganz has made this website
his name is guy