Well ... By how Warden looked like back when Megamind was a kid, and what he looks likes now, I'd say Megamind 26? maybe older maybe younger?
There is no code for the poster. The Megamind poster was given out in a contest on the Daily Growl in 2010. The members who completed the Megamind's Super Hero Super Skillz Quiz were given a Megamind Poster as a prize and it was added to their inventory.
Hello I downloaded Megamind for FREE from this awesome website : below
David Cross
Jonah Hill!
Jonah Hill
25 or 26.
8 days old.
no, Will Ferrel plays the role of megamind
The duration of Megamind is 1.63 hours.
Megamind was created on 2010-11-05.
The Production Budget for Megamind was $130,000,000.
Megamind was released on 11/05/2010.
in the new cartoon movie "Megamind," he is light blue with a black suit
Will Ferrell portrays the voice of Megamind
That would be Will Ferrell =)
...At the movie theater. The movie "Megamind" is out now.
Megamind: Bad, Blue, Brilliant