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I think hes 7

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Q: How old is max from Pokemon?
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What is the max hp for Pokemon cards?

The max HP for Pokemon cards are 200HP

What Pokemon episode does max turn into a Pokemon?

Max never did turn into a pokemon, although Ash and certain characters-of-the-day did.

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In the game Pokemon Emerald where is the Pokemon Feebas located?

Feebas appears when fishing with an old rod in route 119 (extreme rare to the max but I got him in pearl).

Where can you find a PP max in Pokemon Diamond?

Right, You cannot get an pp max in Pokemon diamond or Pokemon pearl nor platinum!

How old is Max from the TV show Pokemon?

According to IMDB Ruby is 7 and Max is 3. At least when the show started. Also Wikipedia states the same

Why doesn't max have any Pokemon?

According to the Pokemon television series, Max doesn't have any Pokemon because he is too young to own and take care of a Pokemon.

Is max from Pokemon advance generation the guy in Pokemon emerald?

Yes Max is from Pokemon seasons in the Hoenn region, but he isn't in of the games. Note: Max is the small kid that knows alot about Pokemon and travels with his sister May and Ash and Brock

What is max repel?

Max Repel is a potion that prevents Pokemon that are LOWER level then you. Meaning that if u have a lvl 40 Pokemon and u use max repel. it will only keep level 2-39 Pokemon away. Even if u use max repel and ur Pokemon is lower level than wild Pokemon that are 41+, you will encounter them so be sure that u have a high level Pokemon when using max repel

What is a max friendship in Pokemon diamon?

that means that your Pokemon like you