The old PS3 can only play the oldest PS3 games. A new PS3 can play both new and old games.
Yes, usually an old PS3 disk should work on a new PS3 console.
When the PS3 is on use the charging cable to connect the controller to the PS3 and press the Playstation Emblem on the controller
It will be 4 on November 11 1010
Only if the PS3 is an old one from 2006 or 2007 with the 4 USB ports and flash card reader
The old PS3 can only play the oldest PS3 games. A new PS3 can play both new and old games.
Yes, usually an old PS3 disk should work on a new PS3 console.
i personally think that the old one is better because ps3 slim has only one fan so it over heats quickly. The old ps3 has 2 fans :)
cause it was to old to go on PS3
Yes and the new PS3 move will work on all PS3 models
If i were you i would get a ps3.
PS3 harddrives use standard laptop harddrives and you don't need to use a PS3 harddrive. If you want to use an old PS3 harddrive you must update the information to the new PS3 model software or it will not work
Yes, but only in old versions of ps3
When the PS3 is on use the charging cable to connect the controller to the PS3 and press the Playstation Emblem on the controller
They sell a PS3 version and that will work. If you have an old PS3 with 4 USB ports you already know it is one of the consoles that might play the game and for all the others your PS3 plays PS3 games with PS3 equipment and it not the game that matters unless you have an old console
yes if it has current PS3 software updates
No its to old