Ash Ketchum, the protagonist of the Pokรฉmon animated series, is perpetually 10 years old. Despite his many adventures and accomplishments throughout the series, his age has remained consistent since the show's inception in 1997. This agelessness is a deliberate creative choice by the show's creators to maintain Ash as a relatable character for the target audience of young viewers.
He should be 14. He was 10 when he left Pallet Town and the Pokemon League meets once a year. Ash has gone to three Pokemon Leagues and the Orange Islands series plus the Battle Frontier series are each half a year. After the Sinnoh League, Ash will become 15.
He used to be 11, but now he's 10 - lol
EP001 - "Pokemon I choose you!"
The narrator states he is 10.
EP??? - When Ash arrives back in Viridian City for his 8th Kanto badge.
He says "It's been almost a year since we was here last." or something like that. (So he must be 11.)
BW001 - "In The Shadow of Zekrom!"
The narrator states he is 10 again.
Time travel? lol
Anyways, Ash is and will always be 10.
As he has started being a trial-goer in the Pokémon Sun And Moon saga, the Video Games states that people start island trials aged eleven, so there you go. He is either eleven or twelve.
Ashley Ketchum
Ash Ketchum's home is in Pallet Town, Kanto.
Ash Ketchum from the Pokemon anime is 10 years old. Despite how long the anime has ran for Ash has remained 10 years old since the very first episode.
of corse he does not get a wedgie
Who does the voice of Ash Ketchum in Pokemon?
Ashley Ketchum
Ash Ketchum's home is in Pallet Town, Kanto.
No, you cannot find Ash Ketchum in Pokémon Pearl.
Ash Ketchum from the Pokemon anime is 10 years old. Despite how long the anime has ran for Ash has remained 10 years old since the very first episode.