Adam Bohn's birthday is On December 31st. He founded Artix Entertainment when he was 24 years old in 2002.
Artix Von Kreiger is the creator. His real name is Adam Bohn.
Adam's email isn't known by many people, I'm guessing only known by the staff. If you want to contact him the fastest way would be to go on the AQW forum and PM Reens and tell her what you want to say to him. Reens is pretty cool so she'll pass the message on for you, hope that helped.
For photos of Adam Bohn, please see the related links below. The sources for the photos and the video of Adam Bohn are, respectively, Artix Entertainment at DragonCon Panel and YouTube.
For photos of Adam Bohn, please see the related links below. The sources for the photos and the video of Adam Bohn are, respectively, Artix Entertainment at DragonCon Panel and YouTube.
Artix Von Kreiger is the creator. His real name is Adam Bohn.
Artix, whose real name is Adam Bohn, has many pictures of himself online. See "Related Questions" below.
Adam's email isn't known by many people, I'm guessing only known by the staff. If you want to contact him the fastest way would be to go on the AQW forum and PM Reens and tell her what you want to say to him. Reens is pretty cool so she'll pass the message on for you, hope that helped.
The creator of AE is Adam Bohn. The staff's name is not known, but their character names are know. Some of the names are Nythera, Beleen, Artix, Titan, Nightwraith, Cycero, Charfade, Circe, etc.
What do they look like in Game?Inside the game AdventureQuest Worlds, moderators (mods) have gold names. They are the only players in the game to have gold names. What do they look like in Real Life?Photos and videos of the real life staff can be found on the internet. While most of the staff is pretty secretive, there are a lot of newspaper photos, Fox 13 and NBC news interviews, convention photos, YouTube Videos, cheesy photoshopped photos of Artix Entertainment's Founder/CEO/Paladin Artix von Krieger (aka Adam Bohn)
* Artix Von Krieger is the leader of the paladins. * He's creator of DragonFable and is very smart and handsome. * (Artix's PvP ID number is 22) * Artixs name in real life is Adam Bohn. * As of April 2008, Artix's attacks with four hits, doing a random damage of 1-30 (This excludes criticals). * On May 31st He seems to be nerfed back to only one attack except that his holy strike (light attack) still hits 4x, but very rarely he still seems to hit 4x with a normal attack Critical can hit 1-696 * It is said that Adam Bohn, (the real-life Artix) is going to make the in-game Artix "levelable" in the future. * From design notes: "Guess which NPC will make his final home and become levelable in the haunted forest! ^_^" * It is possible to get 2 Artix as your guests. First go to Amityvale and invite Artix as friend B, then go to Well, Well, Well and finish the quest. You should have 2 Artix as your guests. * Artix has a dog named Daimyo. *All game information is for Dragonfable.
Merritt Bohn's birth name is Merritt Franklin Bohn.
Jayme Bohn's birth name is Jayme May Bohn.
Rüdiger Bohn was born in 1960.
Arthur Bohn was born in 1861.