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Q: How much money is spent making video games each year?
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Is more money spent on video games or gambling every year?

More money is spent on gambling than video games each year. Global gambling revenue, including online platforms like Mega888, exceeds that of the video game industry, with gambling generating over $400 billion annually, compared to around $200 billion for video games.

Why do video games cost so much money because people are selfish?

Making video games is not easy or cheap. You have graphics, coding, hardware costs... and multiply that by 1000000 or so. Video games cost money because of this.

What was the whole point of making video games?

The whole point in making video games are to entertain and relax people when they have free time on there own and to just for some people make money alone.

What are some considerations when making video games?

There are many considerations when making video games. Some considerations needed when making video games include the cost of the video game, the genre and the plot.

How much time was spent on video games in 2013?

According to Nielsen, gamers aged 13 and older spent an average of 6.3 hours a week playing video games.

What makes more money -Holly wood movies or video games?

Video Games

Jessie spends 35 every month on video games If his allowance is 70 what percent is spent on video games?

why would you buy video games for 35 bucks????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????v 50%

What makes more money - Hollywood movies or video games?

Video Games

When did Nintendo start making video games?

1978 Nintendo begins making coin-operated video games. In addition, they begin selling coin-operated video games using microcomputers as well.

How much money is spent on advertisements for video games?

No accurate figure can be given. Many companies are private concerns and their accounts are not open to public scrutiny. Though no doubt several millions are spent on advertising such things every year.

Zach spent half of his money on a CD then he spent half of his what was left at the video store he had 8 left how much money did he begin with?

Zach began with $32. After spending half on a CD ($16), he had $16 left. Then he spent half of the remaining amount ($8) at the video store and was left with $8.

How do you get into making games?

To get into making games (video) you would need to take computer classes at your local college.