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They can make anywhere from hundreds to thousands, from thousands to millions, depending on how good is the artist.

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Q: How much money does an anime artist get?
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anime edu.

What degrees are needed to become an anime artist?

I don't think you need a degree for being an anime artist.

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well for anime you have to learn Japanese and . but that's pretty much it

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Who the best anime make up artist is depends upon the qualities that you like in an artist. It's simply a matter of opinion, as to the artist that you like best.

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There are no colleges that support anime. However, if you are referring to becoming an anime/manga artist, there are art schools that support that.

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If the anime is populair the drawer can earn millions of money! But if the anime isn't populair the anime drawer don't earn so much ANSWER: You can search any occupation and it'll tell you how long you'd have to go to college, if you do, the annual salary, etc. etc. (Usually the salary is listed at the bottom of the page.)

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It depands on how much of the video is sold