Hey you can Earn Cash, Gadgets and other rewards for playing Video Games with the link below hope it helps
h t ps :// bi t. ly/2N hH Jkh
(just take the spaces off)
Playing video games because you are interacting with your TV
im playing a video game playing is the verb
Video Games
You could get a job as a video game tester. You could play games where you can pay with real money for the game money but do the opposite on special programs make game money into real life money. ( I recommend eRepublik because they are alot of sites where u can change the gold from eRepublik to life money)
Studies have shown they do not make people more violent.
The age that is appropriate for men to stop playing video games varies. For more information visit today.com/money/what-age-should-you-stop-playing-video-games-122182
from the flashing
yes and can also get money
The answer will depend on people's access to gaming machines and to video games, the demographics of the wherever you are studying and whether or not the people have a life!
it is a streaming video of someone/multiple people playing one or more video games
the average video games played around the world is 690,456 people and people play for at least 2-6hours.
Absolutely nothing is wrong with playing video games.
Making video games is not easy or cheap. You have graphics, coding, hardware costs... and multiply that by 1000000 or so. Video games cost money because of this.
Yep when i was battleing with Sephroth
Playing video games because you are interacting with your TV
Because a lot of people say too much video game playing is bad for you. And this is true. So people aren't really criticizing video games, they are trying to get people to cut back on video game time.