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You can't. If you're a member when you mine the essence it is pure essence but if you are just free-to-play then it just comes out as rune essence.
basicly normal essence makes onely normal runes but pure essence make combination runes learn about them here at this link
pure essence
No you can not they have to be unnoted same with Pure essence.
to mine pure essence use a bot and u can make 1.6mil a day doiing nothing
you must : be a member, be on a members world, and have lvl 30 mining. when you try to mine rune essence with these requirements you will instead automatically mine pure essence. which is worth much more
You can't. If you're a member when you mine the essence it is pure essence but if you are just free-to-play then it just comes out as rune essence.
Pure essence can be made into high-level runes with the runecrafting skill.
Pure essence can only be mined by members, above a certain level. Pure essence can also only be used by members for runecrafting. Pure essence is required for the more advanced runes (the runes that can only be crafted by members). For the basic runes, you can use rune essence or pure essence, but pure essence is more expensive, and therefore a waste.
There is no best, all pure essence is the same from every mine.
Currently 110 coins each as of July 29, 2011.
Pure essence is mainly used in 'RuneCrafting'. You use it to create runes at one of the many rune alters.
You use rune essence/pure essence on a altar. (runecrafting)
basicly normal essence makes onely normal runes but pure essence make combination runes learn about them here at this link
It is worth $8,121.02.
Pure essence can be used to create chaos, blood, death, soul, nature or cosmic runesANDAir, mind, fire, water, earth and body runes, which can be made using rune essence too.
You could be looking at around 140k Per hour.