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The price of normal monthly Runescape membership for your country x12.

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Q: How much is a year of RuneScape membership?
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How much is a membership card for runescape?

If you buy it in the United States it is about $8.00 with tax for one month of membership.

How much does it cost be a runescape member per year when your in Australia?

all prices for membership is the same. it just depends what kind of currency you are using.

Does your RuneScape membership also work for Arcanists?

No. You need to get a separate membership for FunOrb membership unless if you got the Runescape and FunOrb Membership Pack.

How much are RuneScape membership cards?

$7.95 for a 30 day membership and $22.95 for a 90 day membership. You can get them at Gamestop and a variety of other places.

Where can I buy membership for RuneScape?

You can buy membership at stores like Target or at the Runescape website.

Where do you buy membership for RuneScape?

Only buy runescape membership from their site, look on homepage.

When did RuneScape make membership cards?

Runescape made membership cards in 2009-2010

Can you buy a 1 year runescape membership prepay card?

According to the official Runescape FAQ It is not possible to pay for more than one month of membership at a time. (actually you can get 30day and 90day, maybe 60day too I'm not sure Well, runescape just released the one year membership cards again! You can buy them at rite-aid.

How much does it cost to call runescape from the us?

USD $11.90, the call lasts 3 minutes to get a Runescape membership pin.

Can someone buy you a RuneScape membership?

Yes, Jagex have made Runescape membership gift cards.

How much money do you have to pay to play RuneScape?

Runescape is Free to play. Pay to pay is only required if you're going to buy membership. It costs 5.95$ per month for membership.