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about $40 in Walmart

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Q: How much is a duel disk?
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How much money does it cost to buy a duel disk at toysrus?

how much is this duel disc

Where to buy duel disk?

here to buy yugioh duel disk

Do you have to have a duel disk like in Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's to duel?

In real life you don't need a duel disk to duel.

Duel disk is connected to a arcade machine?

there is no duel disk in arcade machines.

Are duel disk in Walmart still?

Yes, you can buy a duel disk at walmart.

Where can you get a yu-gi-oh duel disk?

you can get a yugioh duel disk to kaissa in glyfada with 50 euro.

Where can you get a duel disk?

You can get a duel disk online on eBay or amazon or target, stuff like that. and there was a comment and to clear it up they turbo duel (motorcycles) and they regular duel.

What is a Yu-Gi-Oh duel disk Launcher?

The yugioh duel disk is a way for players to duel anywhere the their favorite tv charachters and a portable field that is stronger than a paper mat.

Where can you get a cheap real duel disk?


Is the Yu-Gi-Oh academy duel disk bigger than Yusei's duel disk?

Japanese duel disks are pretty small, Yusei's included. That black guy in Yu-Gi-Oh Millenium World, whatever his name was, had a massive disk though.

What is the equipment they use to duel with on there arm in yu-gi-oh?

It is commonly known as a Duel Disk.

Lefty duel disk?

If you duel, YOU WILL WIN! but use your right one . I don't understand the question...