It depends on the currency used in your country.
£17.95 (UK)
$27.23 (USD)
$27.85 (AUS)
€21.16 (Euro)
Refer to the sources/related links for a conversion method; I used a converter as my country uses GBP (pounds sterling) and had to convert the currency for easier reference.
Minecraft for the PC costs 26.95.
€19.95/£16.95/$26.95 These are estimates.
usd$ 29.75
yes it does you have to buy minecraft PC
Minecraft is only released on Xbox360, PC, MAC, iTunes, Android, and RaspberryPi.
Minecraft for the PC costs 26.95.
$26.95 USD.
€19.95/£16.95/$26.95 These are estimates.
usd$ 29.75
£17.95 from their website.
i believe it is $26.00
The PC version is purchased exclusively from the Minecraft website.
yes it does you have to buy minecraft PC
Minecraft for the PC costs $26.95.
Minecraft is only released on Xbox360, PC, MAC, iTunes, Android, and RaspberryPi.
if im correct it's the same price as what u would get it for on the pc :(however, i prefer minecraft on the pc$20
$105, wow that's expensive.