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Roblox takes up: 1.5 Giga Bytes, which is the same as 1000 mega bytes

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Q: How much does roblox take up?
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How much space does milk take up in a cafeteria kitchen?

This is unrelated to ROBLOX, but I'm sure it wouldn't take up much.

How much space does roblox take up?

Well it takes up to 1.5giga bits

How much R can you hold up to on ROBLOX?

There is not a limit.

How do you use the silence spell on roblox?

To this day I have never heard of that one on ROBLOX, I can research it for you and get you a answer. May take up to: 1-3 weeks.

How do you put a picture on a t shirt on Roblox?

go to roblox go to stuff and put create then something will pop up and will take you to your files and thats how you do it :)

How do you level up in roblox?

well roblox is not really a leveling up game. Roblox is more of a game where you make games and play games and meet up with people. So unless you are talking about how to level up in a game in roblox you cannot level up.

How do you take off Roblox hat?

to take off a roblox hat press =/+ button on your keyboard.

How much space is taken up if roblox is installed?

Around 42 Megabytes (MB)

How do you start Roblox?

Look it up on the roblox wiki. just search roblox wiki

How do you get roblox studio up?

click start and the go on all programs and then leave your mouse on roblox then roblox studio will show up

How do you get to your inventory on Roblox?

when logged onto roblox, simply click My Roblox, once you have clicked My Roblox, another bar should pop up under that one, click My Stuff, then your inventory will pop up

What can you do with 1 robux on roblox?

Roblox can help you to think outside the box with a variety of stuff to do. You can build your own place, make videos, take screenshots and send it to your friends and much more.