To create a penguin it is free but to become a member it costs:
$6.95c a month. There are deals on 6 months and 12 month memberships as well.
Search Club Penguin on Google and click the first one... when you have created a penguin and signed in atthe top will be the buttons PARENT INFO, LOG OUT and BECOME A MEMBER and a lot more. Click on become a member to pay and find out further price deals and offers.
Membership fees are localised and depend on the currency used to pay for the membership. Expect to pay somewhere around $5.00 per month, though more expensive plans are also available.
$59.95 in us dollars.
They should cost 60 coins
its 800 coins
It depends on how long you want your membership for.
800 coins
$59.95 in us dollars.
20 coins
It cost £19.00 for a 6 month membership for club penguin
Each puffle on club penguin costs 800 coins.
It currently costs $57.95 to be a member on Club Penguin for a year.
Club Penguin is free. It's really cool!
they cost 800 coins, which you can earn by playing games on club penguin
They should cost 60 coins
i would like to now how much it cost to join sam's culb i would like to join