The electrizer on Pokemon Diamond is used by Electabuzz to evolve into Electivire. To get the electrizer in Pokemon Diamond you must have inserted Pokemon Firered in the game boy slot.
The moon stone is used in Pokemon Diamond to evolve certain Pokemon. You can find one by looking in the Underground.
No I don't think so.
If you want an anorith in Pokemon diamond, you have to migrate it from Pokemon ruby, sapphire, or emerald. I used to have Pokemon diamond and Pokemon emerald and I would migrate Pokemon all the time. You have to beat the elite four first, then you will be able to go to pal park. Anorith evolves into Armaldo at level 40.
The bait in the great marsh makes a Pokemon stay longer. However if you use too much it could startle the Pokemon and make it flee. The mud when used makes a Pokemon easy to capture but has a high chance of making the Pokemon flee.
The electrizer on Pokemon Diamond is used by Electabuzz to evolve into Electivire. To get the electrizer in Pokemon Diamond you must have inserted Pokemon Firered in the game boy slot.
Anywhere from 5.00 to 25.00.
The moon stone is used in Pokemon Diamond to evolve certain Pokemon. You can find one by looking in the Underground.
A Pokemon modifier is a cheat code used on an Action Replay.
The super rod is used in Pokemon Diamond to catch wild Pokemon. A fisherman gives you this item at the Battle Zone.
You can use it on a pikachu.
diamond it is used to evove murcrow into honchcrow in pearl for misdreaves into mismagus
The problem is that it is manly used for Pokemon Diamond
The diamond is a hold item that Dialga, the legendary Pokemon in Pokemon diamond, holds, making its moves stronger or do more damage.
The dawn stone is an item that is used to evolve certain Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond. To get this item, search in Mt. Coronet.
Its not possible. Pokémon diamond runs on a totally different graphics engine. Previous pokemon games used tiles and graphics. Pokemon diamond does not because maps are one big sprite.