$249-299 for the latest PS3's from most places like GameStop
The 320 GB Infamous 2 bundle is $299.99 The PS3 320 GB + Move Bundle is $349.99 and the PS3 160 GB is $249.99 on August 24 2011 a year later and only the games for the 320 GB Bundle have changed to Uncharted 3 or MW3 still $299.99 on August 12 2012
It depends on which PlayStation it is (1, 2, 3 or the portable one) plus the cost of each game.
13,000 rs in india
It is $15 from the Playstation Store
If you mean "PlayStation plus" it costs $59.99
playstation on-line doesn't cost anything. You would need wifi though
It is not available on the PlayStation Store.
its free
The ps3 cost 399.99 in Lebanon
It depends on which PlayStation it is (1, 2, 3 or the portable one) plus the cost of each game.
13,000 rs in india
It is $15 from the Playstation Store
The PlayStation 3 offers free online play on the PlayStation Network. It won't cost you a penny, all you need is a PlayStation 3 game console.
if you use amazon you can get it 42$ and free shipping
1$ Dollar i heard xD Muahaha
NHL 09 will cost $59.99 for the XBox 360 and PlayStation 3. It will also be availiable on the PlayStation 2 for $39.99. I appears that it will not be offered for the Wii.