Usually about half of what you payed for it but sometimes if your trading in a new game you can buy another new game for as little as £5
There are three ways to get Bp on marapets ~trading ~playing certain games ~battling with trading cards
London ,OH's Trading zone on Route 56
The longer you wait and the older the games become the less you receive. Many games are no longer accepted for trade in because of a store inventory level. It is not just where to trade them in , but also when.
Mudkip can only be owned in Pokemon FireRed & LeafGreen versions by trading from Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/XD/Colosseum. Trading from these games requires the National Pokedex, the Ruby and the Sapphire. You must give the Ruby and the Sapphire to Celio at One Island. Trading requires a Wireless Adaptor.
No, trading pokemon from there to newer games is the only way. Roserade is a newer pokemon emerald is an older game.
it depends on the game. good games are worth more.
Depends on what titles you are selling/trading.
No much over $20
because I watch Pokemon a lot , i collect the trading cards and i have the games
It depends on how many games and what kinds of games you are trading in. Three games that are usually on clearance and aren't selling fast will not be worth nearly as much as two brand new "Pokemon Platinum" games. You will get a larger discount off of your purchase for the DSi, but it ultimately depends on how many and what kinds of games you are trading in.
Probably about $2.50
There are three ways to get Bp on marapets ~trading ~playing certain games ~battling with trading cards
By trading with other games.
not as far that i know of (no)
Yes, Galaxy Comics and Game Knight Games will buy most trading card games. If your talking about sport cards, i do not know
Depending on the condition of the DS, if in good condition 70.00$ bad condition 20.00$ Games are like 5 dollars a piece. hope that helped