Current price (as of 04 July 2010) of raw lobster is between 264-276gp each, with the mid price being 270gp each.
General Store Price - 113gp per item/ 3,164gp per inventory
Right now raw trout sells for around 30-40 ea.
cooked lobster ~ 82gp raw lobster ~ 126gp prices changed by the day Answer: Question about prices of RuneScape items are best looked up directly on the RuneScape Grand Exchange. You can access it from the RuneScape main page.
you feed them RAW MEAT from cows
Actually the dogs eat meats such as raw beef, raw bear meat, raw rat meat, and raw beast meat
Dogs eat Raw Meat.
sell 2 raw lobsters to get more than 600goldpieces
At a fishing shop in port sarim but chances are they will be out of stock, or off players or at the Grand Exchange.
What i do is i buy 5m worth raw lobsters I then cook them and make 6m so i gaine 1m profit :D
If you area mem, you can sell raw fish, kill dragons and sell the things that they drop. If you are not a mem, you can sell raw swordfish and lobsters. Also, you can sell the bones from lessers.
Yes. And much faster.
About 79,240 raw lobsters, which is about 2,935 trips
Kitten = Milk Cat = Fish (Raw or cooked) Overgrown = Don't Eat
Right now raw trout sells for around 30-40 ea.
That depends on what kind of raw fish you buy.
cooked lobster ~ 82gp raw lobster ~ 126gp prices changed by the day Answer: Question about prices of RuneScape items are best looked up directly on the RuneScape Grand Exchange. You can access it from the RuneScape main page.
.250gm of raw gold is worth of Us$10.40 on 19-07-2010
Raw fish.